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Swine Husbandry Collection

Swine Husbandry Collection


These standard operating procedures are intended for any operation that houses pigs of any age or production group. This collection includes SOPs for proper handling (including snare use), swine-specific physical exam, & treatment techniques for sick animals. Relevant high quality diagrams are included. This collection is written to be used in conjunction with the General Livestock Husbandry SOP Collection.


What's Included?

  1. How to use SOP Collections
  2. Swine Handling & Movement SOP
  3. Swine Physical Exam SOP
  4. Swine Treatment Basics SOP
  5. Swine Injections & Techniques SOP
  6. Injections using the Slapshot SOP
  7. Intramuscular injections for Swine SOP
  8. Subcutaneous injections for Swine SOP
  9. Oral Administration of Medications for Swine SOP
  10. Snare Usage SOP
  11. Enema Administration SOP
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