We continue to expand our video & resource collections! Our video subscriptions is $15 a month, which gives you full access to all videos in our collection. You can try it out & preview our videos with our week free trial.
FIFTEEN new videos just added:
Cattle physical exam: the basics of collecting heart rate, respiratory rate, & temperature, plus listening to gut sounds, in cattle, which can help track animal health & help you & your veterinarian determine next steps for treatment
Small ruminant physical exam: same as above, but for sheep & goats
Swine physical exam: same as above, but for our most challenging species! Pigs!
Ear notching piglets: our primary identification system for pigs, how to do it, when to do it, & how to read ear notches
Tail docking piglets: part of piglet processing, how & why we dock tails
Needle teeth in piglets: part of piglet processing, how & why we trim needle teeth
Newborn processing: navel dipping: part of any newborn care, discussion of why we dip the navel & proper technique
Tagging calves: part of calf processing, how to restrain calves in the field for tagging, plus how to place tags so they don't tear out
Orogastric tubing adult ruminants: an essential skill for anyone managing ruminants, passing a tube from the mouth to the rumen can literally save lives in cases of choke & bloat
Urinalysis lab video: walks you through urinalysis, including visual examination, collecting urine specific gravity, performing a dipstick, & urine sediment exam
Introduction to sutures, instrument handling, & suture patterns: an introduction for a suture laboratory, we discuss suture types & sizes, what instruments are required for suturing, & how to perform surgeon's & simple square knots in preparation for the four primary suture patterns
Suture pattern: Simple interrupted: how to perform one of the most common patterns in all of veterinary medicine
Suture pattern: Simple continuous: how to perform one of the most common patterns in all of veterinary medicine
Suture pattern: Cruciate: how to perform an all-around pattern
Suture pattern: Ford interlocking: how to perform one of the most common patterns in livestock medicine
In addition to these new videos, we've got some new resource additions, too!
Suture Lab Package: a student favorite!!! Prepare students with the provided PowerPoint, then take a peek at the lab guide & table handouts to help guide students through practicing four basic veterinary suture patterns.
Urinalysis Lab Package: introduce students to urine evaluation, including gross examination, urine specific gravity, biochemical testing, & urine sediment exam with this lab package that includes an instructor guide, lab procedure, & student worksheet
Veterinary Case Study #1: let your students get some experience being the vet! This case study focuses on the steps that veterinarians go through mentally as they approach a case of a common non-transmissible small ruminant disease. This particular case study is great for kids with SAE small ruminants, as the most common patient looks a lot like their project lamb or goat! Students will learn new vocabulary, practice critical thinking, practice finding & applying credible resources, & learn more about this common small ruminant disease! Includes student case guide & instructor answer key with discussion points, further explanations, & references.
You can see full descriptions plus sample photos of each package on the individual product page in the Shop. Don't worry, we've got more on the way, but let us know if you want to see something else!