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How it works: Video subscription

Videos for selected lab procedures & husbandry procedures are available through a monthly subscription. These videos are excellent for manager or teacher review before leading a related lab or procedure, but are also meant for student viewing. All of these videos also link to relevant written SOPs or lab procedures so that you can use the two resources simultaneously!

For $15 a month, you have full access to all videos within the collection, including lab procedures & husbandry procedures. Why subscription? It allows us to update videos as needed & gives you access to all videos in the collection, not just videos you've purchased. Videos may be viewed through your personal account on the website.

Videos now available include:

  • Lab How To

    • Blood Smears

    • Packed Cell Volume (PCV)

    • Total Protein (TP)

    • Passive Fecal Flotation

    • McMaster Fecal Analysis

    • Milk Quality

  • Husbandry How To: General

    • Drenching Ruminants

    • Drawing Up Medications

    • Band Castration

    • Small Pill Administration for Lambs, Kids, & Calves

    • Caring for Down Animals

    • Eye Ointment Administration

    • Recordkeeping

    • Halter Placement for Livestock

  • Husbandry How To: Cattle

    • Intramuscular Injections for Cattle

    • Subcutaneous Injections for Cattle

    • Bolus Administration for Cattle

    • Blood Collection via Tail Vein for Cattle

    • Intravenous Injections via the Jugular Vein for Cattle

    • Tattooing Calves

    • Tagging Calves - Foldover Style Tag

  • Husbandry How To: Small Ruminants

    • Intramuscular Injections for Small Ruminants

    • Subcutaneous Injections for Small Ruminants

    • CIDRs for Estrus Synchronization for Small Ruminants

    • Lamb Tail Docking

    • Lamb Ear Tagging - Visual Style Tag

    • Lamb Ear Tagging - Foldover Style Tag

    • Bottlefeeding Lambs & Kids

    • Marking Harness Application

    • FAMACHA Scoring

    • Flipping Sheep

    • Jugular Vein Blood Collection & Medication Administration for Small Ruminants

  • Husbandry How To: Swine

    • Piglet Castration

    • Injections Using the SlapShot

    • Oral Medication Administration for Pigs

Videos In the Works:

  • Physical Exam for Cattle

  • Physical Exam for Small Ruminants

  • Physical Exam for Swine

  • Orogastric Tubing Adult Ruminants

  • Suture Lab: Suture Handling, Patterns, & More

  • Urinalysis

  • Small Animal Restraint Techniques

  • & more

We are always soliciting ideas from you for what resources you want! Please visit the Contact Us page to submit a request for a written or video resource.

Happy viewing!

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