Next Wednesday, May 10 at 11a PST, I'll be joining the good folks at the University of Idaho Sheep & Goat Extension to present on upcoming regulatory changes (GFI #263) & appropriate medication use in small ruminants.
Why join us?
Starting June 11, 2023, all antimicrobials will go to prescription only! We'll discuss why that change is happening! (For those of us in California, nothing is changing! We've been this way since 2018)
We'll review the concepts of the Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) in light of this news! Build a relationship with a veterinarian now!
We'll also discuss what that change means for availability of medications (spoiler alert: all medications will still be available, you'll just need to talk to your vet about getting them)
We'll also review sheep & goats' status as minor species, what that means for using medications, & common medication faux pas!
This webinar is FREE! Register to join us at:
If you can't make it, don't worry! All webinars are recorded & available for viewing at any time on the U of I Sheep & Goat YouTube Channel:
You can also follow them on Facebook for other pertinent sheep & goat webinars:
Hope to see you there!