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Intro to School Farm Management Virtual Workshop

Get a certificate by completing the program.


Are you a new ag teacher who has been tasked with managing your school farm & student animal SAEs? Are you an experienced ag teacher who is being asked to step into a new farm manager role? Are you an animal husbandry pro looking for new ideas & working towards improvement? In any case, this workshop is geared towards ag educators overseeing livestock projects or managing school breeding herds. We will discuss the following topics: 1. Finding & integrating a veterinarian into your management team 2. Species & production group considerations 3. Biosecurity - on farm & at shows/fairs/exhibitions 4. Diseases of interest by species, including introduction to zoonotic diseases 5. Where to start with treatment protocols & standard operating procedures for your farm 6. Recommended & sample SOPs 7. Approved medications, managing medication inventory, & appropriate use of medications in livestock species 8. Importance of recordkeeping & recordkeeping requirements 9. Notes on official animal identification 10. Notes on health certificates & additional testing 11. Notes on basic animal nutrition & necropsy As part of this workshop, you'll receive... 1. Sample Animal Treatment Record & Group Treatment Record PDFs 2. Basic Physical Exam SOP PDF 3. Sample complete Treatment Protocol & SOP Lists PDFs 4. Exclusive worksheets to help you evaluate the needs of your farm PDFs 5. Lots of links to reputable resources for further reading We anticipate this course will take approximately 4 hours




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